Hi Gene,

good idea, thanks. But didn't work either. The scip is than always 
applicable and always applies the customfield which it should not do. *args*

I also tried unless, but than I get the errormessage:

Scrip 17 IsApplicable failed: syntax error at (eval 950) line 1, near 
"->Subject unless"

So I guess this strange perl doesn't know unless.

Somehow I cannot believe that noone ever tried something like this.

Frustated Greetings

Gene LeDuc schrieb:
> Hi Violetta,
> Try this:
> if ( $self->TransactionObj->Type eq "Create" &&
>      ! ( $self->TicketObj->Subject =~ /proje[c|k]t: /i ||
>         $self->TicketObj->Subject =~ /akut: /i ) )
> Regards,
> Gene

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