
I would like to report that v0.06_03 is working for my
RHEL5/RT-3.8.1/Sun Directory Server 6.3.  I am seeing new information in
my RT log so I know the new version is indeed active.

[Fri Oct 31 10:17:36 2008] [error]: Working around bug in RT and
reloading RT::User

For v0.06_03 to work, I have to put in "Set(
@Plugins,(qw(RT::Authen::ExternalAuth)));" into RT_SiteConfig.pm but
didn't need this when running 0.05.  I didn't even know this option
before reading the posting from Michael Mollard. :)

One little comment is that after checking out the source code from SVN,
I had to cd to "RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/trunk" instead.

Thanks for releasing this fix!


Mike Peachey wrote:
> RT::Authen::ExternalAuth v0.06_03 is now available and is the first (and
> hopefully only) release candidate for v0.06.
> Michael Mollard, Sean McCreadie,
> Can you please test v0.06_03 as soon as possible and let me know how it
> goes? Having tested myself, it seems good and I'd like to get 0.06 out
> ASAP as it will be the first official release to support RT-3.8.x
> Unfortunately, I'm still waiting for CPAN to update with the new
> version, and when it does, it will be available here:
> http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/Z/ZO/ZORDRAK/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth-0.06_03.tar.gz
> But if you'd like to try it now, you can get it from the BPS SVN server:
> $ svn co http://code.bestpractical.com/bps-public/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth
> $ cd RT-Authen-ExternalAuth
> $ perl Makefile.PL
> $ make
> $ make install
> and it will overwrite the previous version without conflict.


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