Jared Liebl wrote:
> I'm trying to get RT 3.8.1 installed on a Ubuntu v8.10 server, and I
> seem to be setting it up wrong.  I keep getting a 404 message when I try
> to access RT.
> I did find the instructions for upgrading a Ubuntu install from 3.6 to
> 3.8 (http://www.nabble.com/Re:-Ubuntu-RT-3.8-package-p19726512.html),
> but I'm not smart enough to figure out how to run the configure script
> properly to get it to install in the locations chosen by the Ubuntu
> package, so I'm trying to do a manual install.
> I started by loading my server as a Ubuntu LAMP server (I have some
> other stuff besides RT that I want to add to this machine later).  Then
> I installed Mod Perl 2 and ran 'make fixdeps', and everything seemed to
> go well.  I ran Make Install, and installed everything to the default
> directory (/opt/rt3/).
> Then I copied /opt/rt3/etc/RT_Config.pm to
> /opt/rt3/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm, and changed the following lines:
> Set($rtname , "servername.domain.tld");
> Set($Organization , "domain.tld");
> Set($Timezone , 'US/Central');
> Set($DatabaseUser , 'rt_user');
> Set($DatabasePassword , 'mypassword');
> Set($WebPath, "/rt");
> Set($WebBaseURL, 'http://servername.domain.tld' .
> RT->Config->Get('WebDomain') . ':' . RT->Config->Get('WebPort'));
> Finally, I modified my Apache configuration file
> (/etc/apache2/sites-available/default), so that it looks like this:
> <VirtualHost *:80>
>       ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       DocumentRoot /var/www/
>       <Directory />
>               Options FollowSymLinks
>               AllowOverride None
>       </Directory>
>       <Directory /var/www/>
>               Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
>               AllowOverride None
>               Order allow,deny
>               allow from all
>       </Directory>
>       ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
>       <Directory "/usr/lib/cgi-bin">
>       AllowOverride None
>       Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
>       Order allow,deny
>       Allow from all
>       </Directory>
>       ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log
>       # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error,
> crit,
>       # alert, emerg.
>       LogLevel warn
>       CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined
>     Alias /doc/ "/usr/share/doc/"
>     <Directory "/usr/share/doc/">
>         Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
>         AllowOverride None
>         Order deny,allow
>         Deny from all
>         Allow from ::1/128
>     </Directory>
>    # as RT is out of document root then we want alias
>    # and should define directory access
>    Alias /rt/ /opt/rt3/share/html/
>    <Directory /opt/rt3/share/html/>
>        Order allow,deny
>        Allow from all
>    </Directory>
>    PerlRequire /opt/rt3/bin/webmux.pl
>    <Location /rt/>
>        AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
>        SetHandler perl-script
>        PerlHandler RT::Mason
>    </Location>
> </VirtualHost>
> I can get a page to load at http://servername.domain.tld, but if I go to
> http://servername.domain.tld/rt, I get a 404:
> Not Found
> The requested URL /rt was not found on this server.
> Apache/2.2.9 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.6-2ubuntu4 with Suhosin-Patch
> mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.0 Server at servername.domain.tld Port 80
> /var/log/apache2/error.log reads:
> [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/rt
> I think that the problem should be easy to fix, if you know apache well.
> I'd really love to use RT 3.8 on Ubuntu.  I'd rather not switch
> distributions, or use an earlier version.
> Does anyone have any suggestions for me?

Try to leave off the trailing slash on /rt/. Also I would suppose
Alias /rt/ would override Location /rt/.


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