[I forgot to cc the list - steve]

On Wed, 05 Nov 2008 15:27:44 -0500, Don Beethe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  We are looking at creating a common RT system to be shared by 10
> different groups. Is there some way to customize the display for newest
> unowned tickets to limit it to a set of select queues?
> I have read about changing the search, but can't seem to find how to set
> up the search I would need.
> It would need to be something like:
> Owner='Nobody' AND (Status = 'new' OR Status = 'open') AND (Queue =
> 'sysadmin-cos' OR Queue = 'Desktop-cos' OR Queue = 'SAN-cos')
> I can't find a way to set up this type of search... If I try to change
> from AND to OR Aggregator, it seems to change all to either AND or OR...


I've had good luck going to the 'Advanced' search screen and playing with
the ticket sql ands/ors there.


Stephen Turner
Senior Programmer/Analyst - SAIS

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