I'm still getting the same error:
Can't call method "SetDisabled" on an undefined value at
/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/User_Overlay.pm line 1087.

I installed over the top and recieved that error.  so then I remove the
RT_AUTH dir from the plugins folder and reinstalled again.  Same error.
Here is what the rt.log shows (looks promising):

[Thu Nov  6 22:16:48 2008] [error]: Working around bug in RT and reloading
[Thu Nov  6 22:16:57 2008] [error]: Working around bug in RT and reloading
[Thu Nov  6 22:16:57 2008] [debug]: $pass defined (slinky), Running
[Thu Nov  6 22:16:57 2008] [crit]: User #13 has principal of Group type
[Thu Nov  6 22:16:57 2008] [debug]: Trying External Authentication (
mccartyj )
[Thu Nov  6 22:16:57 2008] [debug]: Attempting to use external auth service:
[Thu Nov  6 22:16:57 2008] [debug]: Trying external auth service: My_LDAP
[Thu Nov  6 22:16:57 2008] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: o=dist86 ==
Filter: (&(cn=mccartyj)(objectclass=Person)) == Attrs: dn
[Thu Nov  6 22:16:57 2008] [debug]: Found LDAP DN:
[Thu Nov  6 22:16:57 2008] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: o=dist86 ==
Filter: (member=cn=McCartyJ,ou=Users,o=Dist86) == Attrs: dn
[Thu Nov  6 22:16:57 2008] [warning]: Use of uninitialized value in join or
string at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Log/Dispatch.pm line 22.
[Thu Nov  6 22:16:57 2008] [info]: RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP::GetAuth
External Auth OK ( My_LDAP ):
[Thu Nov  6 22:16:57 2008] [debug]: RT::User::IsPassword EXTERNAL AUTH OKAY
[Thu Nov  6 22:16:57 2008] [debug]: UserExists params:
username: mccartyj , service: My_LDAP
[Thu Nov  6 22:16:57 2008] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: o=dist86 ==
Filter: (&(objectclass=Person)(cn=mccartyj)) == Attrs:
[Thu Nov  6 22:16:57 2008] [debug]: UserExists params:
username: mccartyj , service: My_LDAP
[Thu Nov  6 22:16:57 2008] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: o=dist86 ==
Filter: (&(objectclass=Person)(cn=mccartyj)) == Attrs:
[Thu Nov  6 22:16:57 2008] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: o=dist86 ==
Filter: (&(objectclass=Person)(employmentStatus=Terminated)(cn=mccartyj)) ==
Attrs: uid
[Thu Nov  6 22:16:57 2008] [crit]: User #13 has principal of Group type
[Thu Nov  6 22:16:58 2008] [crit]: User #13 has principal of Group type
[Thu Nov  6 22:16:58 2008] [error]: Group::HasMember was called with an
argument that isn't an RT::Principal or id. It's (undefined)
[Thu Nov  6 22:16:58 2008] [crit]: User #13 has principal of Group type
[Thu Nov  6 22:16:58 2008] [error]: Group::HasMember was called with an
argument that isn't an RT::Principal or id. It's (undefined)
[Thu Nov  6 22:16:58 2008] [crit]: User #13 has principal of Group type
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:16 2008] [error]: Working around bug in RT and reloading
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:16 2008] [crit]: User #13 has principal of Group type
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:16 2008] [error]: Group::HasMember was called with an
argument that isn't an RT::Principal or id. It's (undefined)
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:19 2008] [error]: Working around bug in RT and reloading
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:19 2008] [crit]: User #13 has principal of Group type
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:19 2008] [error]: Group::HasMember was called with an
argument that isn't an RT::Principal or id. It's (undefined)
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:20 2008] [crit]: User #13 has principal of Group type
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:20 2008] [error]: Group::HasMember was called with an
argument that isn't an RT::Principal or id. It's (undefined)
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:20 2008] [crit]: User #13 has principal of Group type
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:23 2008] [crit]: User #13 has principal of Group type
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:23 2008] [error]: Group::HasMember was called with an
argument that isn't an RT::Principal or id. It's (undefined)
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:23 2008] [crit]: User #13 has principal of Group type
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:23 2008] [error]: Group::HasMember was called with an
argument that isn't an RT::Principal or id. It's (undefined)
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:23 2008] [crit]: User #13 has principal of Group type
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:40 2008] [error]: Working around bug in RT and reloading
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:48 2008] [debug]: $pass defined (slinky), Running
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:48 2008] [crit]: User #13 has principal of Group type
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:48 2008] [debug]: Trying External Authentication (
mccartyj )
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:48 2008] [debug]: Attempting to use external auth service:
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:48 2008] [debug]: Trying external auth service: My_LDAP
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:48 2008] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: o=dist86 ==
Filter: (&(cn=mccartyj)(objectclass=Person)) == Attrs: dn
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:48 2008] [debug]: Found LDAP DN:
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:48 2008] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: o=dist86 ==
Filter: (member=cn=McCartyJ,ou=Users,o=Dist86) == Attrs: dn
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:48 2008] [warning]: Use of uninitialized value in join or
string at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Log/Dispatch.pm line 22.
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:48 2008] [info]: RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP::GetAuth
External Auth OK ( My_LDAP ):
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:48 2008] [debug]: RT::User::IsPassword EXTERNAL AUTH OKAY
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:48 2008] [debug]: UserExists params:
username: mccartyj , service: My_LDAP
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:48 2008] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: o=dist86 ==
Filter: (&(objectclass=Person)(cn=mccartyj)) == Attrs:
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:48 2008] [debug]: UserExists params:
username: mccartyj , service: My_LDAP
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:48 2008] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: o=dist86 ==
Filter: (&(objectclass=Person)(cn=mccartyj)) == Attrs:
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:48 2008] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: o=dist86 ==
Filter: (&(objectclass=Person)(employmentStatus=Terminated)(cn=mccartyj)) ==
Attrs: uid
[Thu Nov  6 22:17:48 2008] [crit]: User #13 has principal of Group type

On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 4:06 PM, Mike Peachey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Aaron Zuercher wrote:
>> wedding vegetables?  :D
> Yes. :)
>> Mike,
>> I'll test it ASAP, can I install over top of the old version or do I need
>> to remove it?  what is the recommended uninstall method?
> Over the top is fine. User_Vendor.pm is still there, but has been reduced
> to almost nothing. All the functionality has been moved out to:
> lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth.pm
> lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth/LDAP.pm
> lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth/DBI.pm
> Uninstallation is a manual affar I'm afraid. For RT-3.6.x you basically
> need to remove every file detailed in the MANIFEST file, but for RT-3.8.x
> you should just be able to remove the local/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth
> directory.
> --
> Kind Regards,
> __________________________________________________
> Mike Peachey, IT
> Tel: +44 114 281 2655
> Fax: +44 114 281 2951
> Jennic Ltd, Furnival Street, Sheffield, S1 4QT, UK
> Comp Reg No: 3191371 - Registered In England
> http://www.jennic.com
> __________________________________________________

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