I did a search on the archives for this error but the few instances I found had 
no responses to the users' inquiries.  Perhaps someone can shed some light on 

A user was adding two attachments to a correspondence via the web interface 
when the following popped up:

System error
error:          read-open /tmp/8NSuxt68WB: No such file or directory at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/MIME/Body.pm line 435.
431:    if ($mode eq 'w') { ### writing
432:    $IO = FileHandle->new(">$path") || die "write-open $path: $!";
433:    }
434:    elsif ($mode eq 'r') { ### reading
435:    $IO = FileHandle->new("<$path") || die "read-open $path: $!";
436:    }
437:    else {
438:    die "bad mode: '$mode'";
439:    }
code stack:     /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/MIME/Body.pm:435

It only happens occasionally and there are not entries in the log file 
indicating any errors.  Has anyone who has experienced this been able to figure 
out the cause?

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