On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 12:11 PM, Jesse Vincent <je...@bestpractical.com> wrote:
> On Mon 27.Oct'08 at 15:54:39 -0400, Andy Cobaugh wrote:
>> Was there going to be a shipwright tarball for RT 3.8.1 ?
>> I saw some mention of this a while back, but have only been able to find
>> shipwright for 3.8.0.
> Not yet, but when we have it, you should be able to get at it via
> subversion with:
> svn co http://code.bestpractical.com/shipwright/rt/3.8/ rt-3.8-vessel
> I'll see if I can make that happen today, but no promises

Is there a shipwright vessel for 3.8.1 ready to be made available yet?


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