On Wed, Jan 07, 2009 at 06:19:20PM -0600, jmose...@corp.xanadoo.com wrote:
> Slightly confusing instructions (and different from 3.8.0) on upgrading a
> mysql database.
> First, the instructions say to run /opt/rt3/sbin/rt-setup-database telling
> the script the current version you are running.  Then they say to stop the
> upgrade at 3.8.0 and then run:
> etc/upgrade/upgrade-mysql-schema.pl, blah, blah, blah.
> Then run /opt/rt3/sbin/rt-setup-database to apply the rest of the upgrades.
> So, in the setup-database script, do you tell it to stop at 3.8.0, or
> 3.7.87?  Meaning, if I choose 3.8.0, does the script stop after installing
> the 3.7.87 schema changes, or does it also include the 3.8.0 schema
> updates?  Perhaps it doesn't matter.

I don't believe it actually matters, but the intent was to stop before
the 3.8.0 updates, run the script and continue. Documentation patches
would be lovely.


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