
I need your help debugging RTs mail system.

I have had RT send emails successfully when replying to or creating new
tickets. As such, the mail system is working. I have fiddled with the
global scrips to invoke some more mails, i.e. on owner change. But now
somehow, RT does not send any mail at all.

I am not sure if this has to do with the scrips at all. In any case,
when you reply to a ticket, no recipients are shown at the bottom (Below
"...mail will be sent to the following users..."), and no mail is sent
on reply. Dito when entering someone as Cc: or AdminCc: for a ticket,
both for the whole ticket and one-time when replying. In all cases, RT
claims "Outgoing message recorded" after saving changes, but the ticket
display does not show any outgoing mail (I have the "ShowOutgoingMail"

>From the mail server logs I can see that no attempt to send mail is
done. From syslog, I see "RT::User::CanonicalizeEmailAddress called with
"" from RT::Ticket". I checked the user account settings, and alle users
have valid working mail addresses associated with them.

I am using RT 3.6 on debian etch with the packages from the etch
repository. I do not want to upgrade to 3.8 at the moment.

Thank you,

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