
I'm getting errors in RT 3.8.1 log like:

[Tue Jan 27 02:51:50 2009] [error]: Scrip Commit 6 died. - Can't call
method "parts"
on an undefined value at /opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/I18N.pm line 196.

It occurs for both emails, and web interactions, and seems to be related to
Transaction->Content not being included in notifications. Below is the current
template being used for #6 (Admin Comment). Essentially the same code is
being used for #5 (Admin Correspondence) and #3 (Transaction). There is no
error log entry for #3, but none of them include the message body :-/
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Subject: [Comment] {my $s=($Transaction->Subject||$Ticket->Subject);
$s =~ s/\[Comment\]//g; $s =~ s/^Re//i; $s;}
X-Priority: {my $p=$Ticket->Priority; $p=50 if $p<0; 6-(int(($p/20)+.5)||1)}

This is a comment.  It is not sent to the Requestor(s):

<URL: {RT->Config->Get('WebURL')}Ticket/Display.html?id={$Ticket->id} >
{ #Link to attachments
  my @res;
  my $Attachments = $Transaction->Attachments;
  $Attachments->Limit( FIELD => 'Filename', OPERATOR => '!=', VALUE => '' );
  while (my $a = $Attachments->Next) {
    push(@res, sprintf("%sTicket/Attachment/%i/%i/%s", $RT::WebURL,
$a->TransactionId, $a->id, $a->Filename));
  @res ? join('', map{ "<enc: $_ >\n" } @res ) : '';


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