Hello list,

After upgrading to 3.8.2 and RT::Authen::ExternalAuth 0.08, it seems
the module doesn't load.  Debug level logging shows autohandler
processing logins, not the plugin.  When logged into RT as the root
user and checking the Sys Config, i see:

Regexp::Common::delimited v2.106;
RT v3.8.2;
RT::Extension::ExtractCustomFieldValues v2.0;
RT::Interface::Email v2;
RT::Interface::Web::Request v0.30;
Scalar::Util v1.19;

In there is where i'd expect to see ExternalAuth.

My entire rt3/ dir is chown'd to my apache user, and readable to it.
The first line in my SiteConfig.pm is

Set( @Plugins, qw(RT::Authen::ExternalAuth) );

and the rest of the config seems to be honored (the next line is the
Set for ECFV, frex, and that's working well).

Not sure where to being poking this for answers.


/chown -R us:us /yourbase

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