On Feb 10, 2009, at 1:43 PM, Jesse Vincent wrote:
>> And back to my original report.  When I create a ticket inside the RT
>> web interface, the paragraphs of text DO NOT WRAP when I view them
>> inside the very same RT web interface.
> That's very different. But with RT's "Web 2" style, I can't  
> replicate it
> on Firefox (Mac), Safari (Mac), Opera (Mac) or IE6 (WINE).

I just replicated it identically on

Camino 2.0b1 (Max)
Firefox 3.0.5 (Mac)
Firefox 3.0.6 (Windows)

This is using 3.8.2 on Freebsd, no extensions enabled.  (I originally  
found it when we had no extensions, and I disabled them again for this  
test to be sure)

To replicate:

1. Click "New Ticket In" on the top bar, or change the queue name to a  
different queue
2. Type something in the subject line.
3. Type a forever long paragraph in the body of the mail.
4. Click "Create"
5. View the ticket text under History and observe that the text is a  
single very long line with no wrapping

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness


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