Hi, folks.

I'm interested in making our correspondence from RT a little  
prettier-- that is, including some HTML.  I've created a template that  
uses HTML successfully and the message appears to be working just fine.

The problem I'm running into is that some folks in our office don't  
use email clients that display HTML.  I'd like to send a multipart  
message, but I can't seem to get the configuration right-- if it's at  
all possible.  Has anyone figured this out?  I've combed through the  
archives, but I haven't found anything dealing with this particular  

The template I'm working with has the following information at the  

Subject: Ticket [{$rtname} #{$Ticket->id}] has been stolen
Content-Type: text/html


When I try changing the Content-Type to multipart/alternative or  
multipart/mixed, RT simply fails to send the message.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Andy Jones
User Support Manager


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