On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 05:41:57PM +0100, Lars Kristian Klykken wrote:
> Users are properly authenticated on the web interface, and they also
> have no problem sending mail to RT, as long as they're using the email
> address defined in RT at createtime (or modified manually in the
> preferences), but as soon as they try to send an email to RT with one of
> the LDAP defined aliases (specified as 'mail' objects) it will be
> bounced with the reason 'Name in use'.

I have now solved this issue by rewriting the aliases through an LDAP
lookup on the MTA on the RT server. In this case, Postfix.

  local_header_rewrite_clients = hash:/etc/postfix/smtpservers
  sender_canonical_maps = ldap:/etc/postfix/canonical-ldap.cf

  server_host = ldap.example.com
  version = 3
  search_base = o=example.com
  query_filter = mailalternateaddress=%s
  result_attribute = mail
  domains = example.com

Lars Kristian (Bosse) Klykken, Senior Engineer      Tel. +47 22963068
Server Operations / IT Division                     Fax. +47 22696355
Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Oslo            http://www.met.no

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