> It also seems bizarre to me to implement the interface that way.  Basically
> its like making a web page with a single text area named "content" and then
> requiring formatting within that one field.  Why not have the REST interface
> have discrete fields?  Coding to it would be certainly be cleaner.  Maybe
> for /REST/2.0/ ?

When it was implemented in 2002(?) or so, REST best practices were much
less clear. And the initial design goal involved being able to implement
a commandline client as a shell script with wget and a text editor.
RFC822-encoded forms were a very straight forward way to get from A to

If I were doing it today[1], I'd do it differently.


[1] And indeed, RT4 is based on Jifty and serves up both the legacy /REST/1.0 
interface and Jifty's much more modern REST interface: 

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