I'm trying to debug why dashboard mail isn't going out.

I had some errors in rt.log related to graphviz until I found the  
undocumented disableGraphViz set command and used it.  But now there  
is no error ... just nothing.  No attempt to send mail.  Funny enough  
-- if I delete a dashboard I do get e-mail saying that the dashboard  
is no longer there.  But never the dashboard mail.

Is there any way to get a dashboard e-mail done *NOW* instead of on a  
given hour?   Every attempt forces me to back off and wait another  
hour to see what's going wrong.  I'd love to say "run my dashboard  
RIGHT NOW" so I could use ktrace on it to determine what is failing.   
Please clue me in.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness


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