[as...@aspccs11 /opt/rt/etc]$ cat RT_SiteConfig.pm
# Any configuration directives you include  here will override
# RT's default configuration file, RT_Config.pm
# To include a directive here, just copy the equivalent statement
# from RT_Config.pm and change the value. We've included a single
# sample value below.
# This file is actually a perl module, so you can include valid
# perl code, as well.
# The converse is also true, if this file isn't valid perl, you're
# going to run into trouble. To check your SiteConfig file, use
# this comamnd:
#   perl -c /path/to/your/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm

Set($rtname ,                           'movilnet.com.ve');
Set($Organization ,                     'movilnet.com.ve');
Set($OwnerEmail ,                       'as10g');
Set($RTAddressRegexp ,                  '^...@movilnet.com.ve$');
Set($CorrespondAddress ,                'r...@movilnet.com.ve');
Set($CommentAddress ,                   'r...@movilnet.com.ve');
#Set($CanonicalizeEmailAddressMatch ,   'rt.movilnet.com.ve$');
Set($CanonicalizeEmailAddressReplace ,  'movilnet.com.ve');
Set($WebDomain ,                        'localhost' );
Set($WebPort ,                          443);# + ($< * 7274) % 32766 +
($< && 1024));
Set($WebPath ,                          "");
Set($WebBaseURL ,                       'https://' .
RT->Config->Get('WebDomain') . ':' . RT->Config->Get('WebPort'));
Set($WebURL ,                           RT->Config->Get('WebBaseURL')
. RT->Config->Get('WebPath') . "/");
Set($WebImagesURL ,                     RT->Config->Get('WebPath') .
Set($WebSecureCookies ,                 '1');
Set($LogoURL ,                          $Config->Get('WebImagesURL') .
Set($Timezone ,                         'America/Caracas');
Set($DatabaseType ,                     'Oracle');
Set(@Plugins ,                          qw(RT::FM));
#Set(@Plugins ,                         (qw(Extension::QuickDelete)));
#Set($DevelMode ,                        '1');
Set($LogToFile ,                        'debug');
Set($LogDir ,                           '/logs/rt');
Set($LogToFileNamed ,                   "rt.log");

Set( @Plugins, qw(RT::Authen::ExternalAuth) );

Set($WebExternalAuth , '1');
Set($WebFallbackToInternalAuth , '1');
Set($WebExternalGecos , undef);
Set($WebExternalAuto , '1');

Set($ExternalAuthPriority,  [   'My_LDAP'
Set($ExternalInfoPriority,  [   'My_LDAP'
Set($ExternalServiceUsesSSLorTLS,    0);
Set($AutoCreateNonExternalUsers,     0);
Set($ExternalSettings,      {   # AN EXAMPLE LDAP SERVICE
                                'My_LDAP'       =>  {   ## GENERIC SECTION
                                                        # The type of
service (db/ldap/cookie)
             =>  'ldap',
                                                        # The server
hosting the service
             =>  '',
                                                        # If you can
bind to your LDAP server anonymously you should
                                                        # remove the
user and pass config lines, otherwise specify them here:
                                                        # The username
RT should use to connect to the LDAP server
             =>  'CANTV\gepror',
                                                        # The password
RT should use to connect to the LDAP server
             =>  'Capital02',
                                                        # The LDAP search base
             =>  'DC=cantv,DC=com,DC=ve',
                                                        # ALL FILTERS
                                                        # YOU **MUST**
SPECIFY A filter AND A d_filter!!
                                                        # The filter
to use to match RT-Users
             =>  '(objectClass=Person)',
                                                        # A catch-all
example filter: '(objectClass=*)'
                                                        # The filter
that will only match disabled users
             =>  '(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1781)',
                                                        # A catch-none
example d_filter: '(objectClass=FooBarBaz)'
                                                        # Should we
try to use TLS to encrypt connections?
             =>  0,
                                                        # SSL Version
to provide to Net::SSLeay *if* using SSL
             =>  3,
                                                        # What other
args should I pass to Net::LDAP->new($host,@args)?

'net_ldap_args'             => [    version =>  3   ],
                                                        # Does
authentication depend on group membership? What group name?
              =>  'GROUP_NAME',
                                                        # What is the
attribute for the group object that determines membership?
              =>  'GROUP_ATTR',
                                                        ## RT
                                                        # The list of
RT attributes that uniquely identify a user
                                                        # This example
shows what you *can* specify.. I recommend reducing this
                                                        # to just the
Name and EmailAddress to save encountering problems later.

'attr_match_list'           => [    'Name',


                                                        # The mapping
of RT attributes on to LDAP attributes
             =>  {   'Name' => 'sAMAccountName',

                     'EmailAddress' => 'mail'


On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 8:54 AM, Mike Peachey <mike.peac...@jennic.com> wrote:
> Eliezer E Chávez wrote:
>> Guys
>> This errror is appearing after i log into rt
>> Can't call method "as_string" on an undefined value at
>> /opt/rt/local/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth/LDAP.pm
>> line 398,  line 50
> You are almost certainly missing some configuration directives.
> Check that you have a filter, d_filter, base, attr_map and
> attr_match_list for your LDAP source. Also valid values for
> ExternalAuthPriority and ExternalInfoPriority.
> --
> Kind Regards,
> __________________________________________________
> Mike Peachey, IT
> Tel: +44 114 281 2655
> Fax: +44 114 281 2951
> Jennic Ltd, Furnival Street, Sheffield, S1 4QT, UK
> Comp Reg No: 3191371 - Registered In England
> http://www.jennic.com
> __________________________________________________

Eliezer E Chávez

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