From UPGRADING.mysql:
If you're installing a new RT then you can skip this file.

If you're migrating from MySQL 4.0 to MySQL 4.1 and newer then you MUST 
instructions at the bottom of this file.

If you're upgrading RT from versions prior to 3.8.0 then you MUST follow
instructions below even if your old RT was installed on MySQL 4.1 or newer.

=== Upgrading RT from versions prior to 3.8.0 ===

1) Backup RT's database. Test that you can restore from this backup.

2) Follow instructions in the README file to step 7.

3) Apply changes described in step 7, but only up to version 3.8.0.

4) Apply the MySQL 4.0->4.1 schema changes. Included in RT is the script
etc/upgrade/ that generates SQL queries to 
upgrade the database's schema. Run it:

    perl etc/upgrade/ db user pass > sql.queries

5) Check sanity of the SQL queries yourself or consult with your DBA.

6) Apply the queries. Note that this step can take a while. It may require
additional space on your hard drive comparable with size of your tables.

    mysql -u root -p rt3 < sql.queries

NOTE that 'rt3' is the default name of the RT database, change it in the
command above if you're using a different name.

This step should not produce any errors or warnings. If you see any, restore
your database from the backup you made at step 1) and send a report to the mailing list.

7) Continue from step 7 in the README and apply other upgrade scripts 
and follow
other steps.

Shawn Smith wrote:
> I found from documentation that I wrote up on the process of migrating 
> stuff that this is what I did, is this correct, or is there more that 
> needs to be done? 
> for x in /etc/request-tracker3.8/upgrade/*; do \
>      for y in schema acl insert; do \
>         /usr/sbin/rt-setup-database-3.8 --action $y --datadir $x \
>           --dba rt_user --dba-password [password]; \
>      done;\
>   done;
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Drew Barnes
Applications Analyst
Network Resources Department
Raymond Walters College
University of Cincinnati


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