I have a RT 3.8.2 instance setup and I like to use the CreatedMonthly
bar graph to see ticket histories.  The graph, however, appears to break
if you try to use it with a search that includes a custom field parameter.

For example, if I search for all tickets in our firewall queue with the
Request Type custom Field set to any valid value, I get a blank graph
with no totals at the bottom.  I also see the following warnings in the
RT logs.

[Mon Mar 16 20:56:28 2009] [warning]: DBD::mysql::st execute failed:
Column 'Created' in field list is ambiguous at
/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle.pm line 505.

[Mon Mar 16 20:56:28 2009] [warning]: RT::Handle=HASH(0x985ec6c)
couldn't execute the query 'SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(main.id) AS id,
SUBSTR(Created,1,7) AS createdmonthly FROM Tickets main JOIN
ObjectCustomFieldValues ObjectCustomFieldValues_1  ON (
ObjectCustomFieldValues_1.CustomField = '7' ) AND (
ObjectCustomFieldValues_1.ObjectType = 'RT::Ticket' ) AND (
ObjectCustomFieldValues_1.Disabled = '0' ) AND (
ObjectCustomFieldValues_1.ObjectId = main.id )  WHERE (main.Status !=
'deleted') AND (main.Queue = '4' AND  (  (  (
ObjectCustomFieldValues_1.Content LIKE '%Host Add Request%' OR  (  (
ObjectCustomFieldValues_1.Content = '' OR
ObjectCustomFieldValues_1.Content IS NULL )  AND
ObjectCustomFieldValues_1.LargeContent LIKE '%Host Add Request%' )  )  )
 ) ) AND (main.Type = 'ticket') AND (main.EffectiveId = main.id)  GROUP
BY SUBSTR(Created,1,7) ' at
/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle.pm line 518

Has anyone else run into this issue?  Anyone found a workaround or solution?


Addam Schroll
IT Security and Privacy Analyst
IT Networks & Security, Purdue University


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