Hi folks,

I have a template to create an approval ticket in rt 3.8.2:

        ===Create-Ticket: Change Request Approval
        Subject: CR Approval for: {$Tickets{TOP}->Id} - {$Tickets{TOP}->Subject}
        Refers-To: TOP
        Queue: ___Approvals
        Requestors: {$Tickets{TOP}->Requestors}
        Depended-On-By: TOP
        Type: approval
        Content-Type: text/plain
        Due: {time + 86400}
        Content: ...

I have a scrip to trigger said approval creation:

Condition: User Defined
        my $ticket= $self->TicketObj;
        if ( $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('ticketType') =~ /change request/i 
) {
                return 1;
        } else {
                return 0;

Custom action preparation code:
        return 1;

Custom action cleanup code:     
        return 1;

I create a ticket of type 'change request' and recieve 5 identical approvals 
for the originating ticket.  Anyone have any bright suggestions as to why...?

Richard Foley
Ciao - shorter than aufwiedersehen


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