I appreciate the advice about searches and we're aware of the impact on performance.

Before posting here I had searched through the archives and was unable to find any solutions specific to 3.8.2 (or perhaps I'm not searching for the right keywords in the vast amount of data therein?). I'd rather not modify the core code if possible so we do not run into problems (or loss of functionality) in subsequent upgrades. Isn't there any way to override this behavior without modifying the base code?

Looking though the code (specifically Search/Simple.html) I see references to a "SearchArgs" callback, but I'm not clear as to what that is or how it's used. Perhaps this is simply a red herring to my question.

I had hoped this could be a simple thing to change considering it's pulling the default search criteria from somewhere. When I go to "Edit Search" after performing a SimpleSearch I see the query has inserted;

"( status = 'new'
 OR status = 'open'
 OR status = 'stalled'"... etc

into the query (which are the active statuses listed in the @ActiveStatus array in RT_SiteConfig.pm). We simply want to remove this portion from the default search criteria.

I'm still hopeful someone will be able to point me in the right direction.

Thanks again,


On Apr 7, 2009, at 2:05 PM, Kenneth Marshall wrote:

On Tue, Apr 07, 2009 at 01:55:19PM -0400, Jerrad Pierce wrote:
On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 13:43, Donovan Young
<dyoung-rtus...@techsafari.com> wrote:
We've recently upgraded to 3.8.2 from 3.6.3 and originally the
SimpleSearch feature would search all tickets (active and inactive)

Please see the list archives.

It really is best to search active tickets only, but you probably want
to add one of
the patches to allow you to modify a search to target
active/inactive/any tickets.

Cambridge Energy Alliance: Save money. Save the planet.

I will second the comment about searching active tickets only. In particular the fulltext:word option will have a (ahem) dramatic affect on the I/ O load
of your database if you are not using a system that supports full-text
indexing. Limited to active tickets might me manageable, but all tickets is a problem that gets worse and worse as new tickets continue to be added. Just how many sequential scans of your database can your backend support? :)
Currently, Oracle and PostgreSQL support full-text indexing with RT.

My two cents.


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