A freebsd package install sets up the following paths:

RT::BasePath    /usr/local
RT::BinPath     /usr/local/bin
RT::EtcPath     /usr/local/etc/rt38
RT::LocalEtcPath        /usr/local/share/rt38/etc
RT::LocalHtmlPath       /usr/local/share/rt38/html
RT::LocalLexiconPath    /usr/local/share/rt38/po
RT::LocalLibPath        /usr/local/share/rt38/lib
RT::LocalPath   /usr/local
RT::LocalPluginPath     /usr/local/share/rt38/plugins
RT::MasonComponentRoot  /usr/local/share/rt38/html
RT::MasonDataDir        /var/run/rt38/mason_data
RT::MasonLocalComponentRoot     /usr/local/www/rt38
RT::MasonSessionDir     /var/run/rt38/session_data
RT::SbinPath    /usr/local/sbin
RT::VERSION     3.8.2
RT::VarPath     /var/run/rt38

Which of these paths tells me where it's going to look for local/ 

My understanding right now is
   RT::MasonLocalComponentRoot  /usr/local/www/rt38

However, stopping apache and clearing the mason cache and restarting I  
don't see any of these changes.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness


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