When you moved the RT instance to another server, did you upgrade it?  If
so, did you upgrade the database as well?  If you moved the database, how
exactly did you do that?  What version are you running now?

I'm running 3.8.2, and all table names are capitalized (with the exception
of one) , so I'm guessing you're probalby running an older version.  I also
show 28 tables (to your 21):

| Tables_in_rt3           |
| ACL                     |
| Attachments             |
| Attributes              |
| CachedGroupMembers      |
| CustomFieldValues       |
| CustomFields            |
| FM_ArticleCFValues      |
| FM_Articles             |
| FM_ClassCustomFields    |
| FM_Classes              |
| FM_CustomFieldValues    |
| FM_CustomFields         |
| FM_Transactions         |
| GroupMembers            |
| Groups                  |
| Links                   |
| ObjectCustomFieldValues |
| ObjectCustomFields      |
| Principals              |
| Queues                  |
| ScripActions            |
| ScripConditions         |
| Scrips                  |
| Templates               |
| Tickets                 |
| Transactions            |
| Users                   |
| sessions                |
28 rows in set (0.00 sec)

James Moseley

Chaim Rieger <chaim.rie...@gmail.com>  wrote:

DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Table 'rt3.Users' doesn't exist at

however when i go into mysql
show tables;
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_rt3           |
| CustomFields            |
| ObjectCustomFields      |
| ScripActions            |
| ScripConditions         |
| Scrips                  |
| Templates               |
| acl                     |
| attachments             |
| attributes              |
| cachedgroupmembers      |
| customfieldvalues       |
| groupmembers            |
| groups                  |
| links                   |
| objectcustomfieldvalues |
| principals              |
| queues                  |
| sessions                |
| tickets                 |
| transactions            |
| users                   |
21 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> exit

i moved the rt instance to a new server, and its looking for the Users
table but theres only a users table ?

am i missing something here ?

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