RT 3.8.2
SLA 02

Dear all

I hope someone can enlighten me on this

I have set up in my RT_Siteconfig.pm the following but am not sure how to call 
it when setting up a the customfield

Set(%ServiceAgreements, (

Default => 'Info',

QueueDefault => {

        'General' => 'Critical',


        Levels => {

                'Critical' => { Response => { BusinessMinutes => 60*8*4 } },

                'Major' => { Response => { BusinessMinutes => 60*8*20 } },

                'Minor' => { Response=> { BusinessMinutes => 60*8*30 } },

                'Info' => { Repsonse=> { BusinessMinutes => 60*8*30 } },

                'Special' => {
                        'Critical' => { Response => { BusinessMinutes => 60*8*3 
} },
                        'Major' => { Response => { BusinessMinutes => 60*8*10 } 
                        'Minor' => { Response=> { BusinessMinutes => 60*8*30 } 
                        'Info' => { Repsonse=> { BusinessMinutes => 60*8*30 } },



I have defined a normal set of response times but I want to be able to call the 
one for Special in certain circumstance how do I call it in the custom field or 
have I misinterpreted what can be done.

Regards Simon

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