> Perhaps folks were thinking you'd look in the Wiki first:
> You will need to pay attention to the 3.5+ section regarding copying the
> Logo file to RT_HOME/local/html/Elements/Logo
> If you choose that method, you need not put all the SetLogo stuff in your
> RT_SiteConfig.  This is how I have my RT 3.8.2 setup.  I have not tried the
> instructions for RT 3.8.  That seems fairly straightfoward and much easier
> than creating a Logo file.
> Also, no need to cc the devel list...
> James Moseley

Under 3.8 you can follow the instructions from the Wiki but you won't
get a company logo showing up.  That's because the web2 CSS sets the
logo image to 'display: none' -- there isn't really a very good place to
stick a logo in the 3.8 page layout.

I did try adding a customised bit of CSS to add a corporate logo
attached to the background in the lower left of the browser
window.  Copy .../NoAuth/css/web2/layout.css to your local tree in
the usual 'cleanly customize' way and change the entry for 'div#logo a'
like so:

div#logo a {
    position: fixed;
    left: 1%;
    bottom: 1%;

Then clean the mason cache and restart.

This does work, but we turned it off after a while because it made
Firefox scroll like a dog -- even worse than the effect due to the
rounded corners.



Dr Matthew Seaman                        The Bunker, Ash Radar Station
PGP: 0x60AE908C on servers               Marshborough Rd
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