On Tue, 26 May 2009 19:59:15 -0400, Ken Crocker <kfcroc...@lbl.gov> wrote:

> I don't see or understand the mechanisms that make the "->" work. My  
> problem is that I am completely sight-oriented. It's the old saying, "I  
> can hear you talking, but I can't see a word you say". That's me. I've  
> coded in over 20 languages in my 40 years in this business, but no perl.  
> Perl is EXTREMELY harder to understand than COBOL, SQL, even Assembler.  
> I have no framework of reference points to "See" what the explanations  
> of the code means.


I found an online book "Beginning Perl" that would answer many of your  
questions -


The "Object-Oriented Perl" chapter in particular explains the "->" syntax.

Might be worth a try - and it's free!



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