rt-shredder --plugin help-Users
  no_tickets - boolean

     If true then plugin looks for users who are not watchers (Owners,
     Requestors, Ccs or AdminCcs) of any ticket.

Well, using the following command gets me thousands of results:

        rt-shredder --plugin  
"Users=no_tickets;status,any;replace_relations,Nobody;limit,10000" -- 
sqldump /u/rtweb/shredder-restore-users.sql

Investigating these users, I find that all of them are Ccs of tickets,  
but are not Requestors of any tickets.  This seems to conflict with  
both the documentation for the option, and the expected result.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness


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