On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 18:19:35 -0400, Ruslan Zakirov  
<ruslan.zaki...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Steve, sorry, but I can't say that I fully understand your
> description, but conditions of batch scrips tested on every
> transaction in a batch, but process stops as soon as we find a match.
> We don't want to fire the same scrip multiple times on the same batch.
> For example batch has status, queue and two cfs change.
> * If a condition fires its scrip on correspond then the scrip action
> wouldn't be applied. All txns in the batch would be checked against
> the condition.
> * if a condition fires its scrip on queue change then the scrip action
> would be applied and default transaction accessor will point to queue
> change. The condition wouldn't be checked against cf changes.
> * if a condition fires its scrip on any cf change then the scrip
> action would be applied and default transaction accessor will point to
> the first cf change. The condition wouldn't be checked against other
> transacactions after the first change in a cf.
> Something like that, hope it helps.
>> Steve

I think I've got it now! Thanks for your help Ruslan,


Stephen Turner
Sr. Analyst/Programmer

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