
is it possible to have a link to a url outside RT without __id__ or
without __ __CustomField__ in a custom field?

If i edit a custom field (CF) I see there is a field 'Link values'. I
thought I could use that, but as I can see it is for use with __id__
or __CustomField__.

Let me explain why I would like this. I am testing the AssetTracker
extension, and as you probably know, lots of devices have a management
web interface (like switches, printers, etc). I would like to have a
clickable CF that would take me to get there from one of the CF. I
know I can do it from one of the 'links' but they have names as
'depends on', 'refers to' ...., and those are reserverd for other
things inside RT.

Maybe this is just a silly question but I do not see how to do it from the CF.

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