On 7/14/09 2:41 PM, "Eric Chatham" <echat...@broadvox.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have had some problem getting LDAP to work on my version of RT.  I am
> running RT version 3.8.2 and the version of RT::Authen::ExternalAuth I
> installed via CPAN is 0.08.  RT is installed on a CentOS 5.1 OS.  I tried
> using some examples from a Google search to try and modify RT_SiteConfig.pm,
> but when I try to log into the RT Webpage (with an LDAP user), it fails.
> Beforehand, I did create the user as a ³user² in RT, but left the password
> blank.  Should I set a user up in RT first before trying to log the user into
> RT?  Here is an example of my RT_SiteConfig.pm settings.  Everytime I try to
> log in with an LDAP user, I get ³Your username or password is incorrect.²  Can
> I setup a log file to track this as well?  Please help and thank you for any
> assistance.
[snip config]

Are you using OpenLDAP, or Active Directory? The configuration you have is
for AD and won't work for OpenLDAP.

Also, if you have to bind for the directory access, you need to put in the
complete Distinguished Name for it, eg:


Gary L. Greene, Jr.
IT Operations
Minerva Networks, Inc.
Cell:  (650) 704-6633
Phone: (408) 240-1239


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