You're right, see your pain. I think member_of option in the Users
plugin can help with this issue. Try attached patch, documentation

On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 3:24 AM, Tim Gustafson<> wrote:
>> There is no such option at this moment except extending
>> Users plugin of the shredder.
> Is there a "suggestion box" for new features?  This seems like a pretty 
> glaring oversight.  Surely mine can't be the only organization with 
> privileged users who aren't always attached to tickets.
> I have about 30 privileged users, and maybe 500 other unprivileged actual 
> users that have requests in the system, and a total of 4,130 records in my 
> "Users" table.  Probably 3,000 of them are users that were auto-created when 
> RT received SPAM.
> We're auto-deleting tickets after 5 years of inactivity, but it seems that in 
> the current implementation, auto-created SPAM users can never be 
> automatically deleted.
> Tim Gustafson
> Baskin School of Engineering
> UC Santa Cruz
> 831-459-5354

Best regards, Ruslan.

Attachment: RT-3.8.4-shredder_member_of_option_users_plugin.patch
Description: Binary data


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