I'm trying to install RTFM 2.4.2 and it's trying to set up all sorts of CPAN stuff. Why? I can tell you now that this isn't going to work. I'm only using a normal user account, and frankly I detest CPAN and the whole "screw up all the perl-based software on your system easily and automatically!" that is CPAN. If RTFM needs some perl modules, I will evaluate and install them one by one, carefully. Ad-hoc installs and upgrades only break things that have differing dependancies.

I don't mind having to upgrade a different piece of software to resolve a version dependancy issue -- but i hate having it broken for me, before I am even aware there will be a problem. Auto-package- install is guaranteed failure unless you limit yourself to one perl- based software package per machine.

In the next update, please make it possible for a person to not use CPAN. "make testdeps" should do the job just fine, thank you. You can have "make fixdeps" use CPAN -- I'll never run it, and that way people who want to swath/trash/destroy can do so at their leisure ;-)

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source and other randomness


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