So I'm trying to create an Article in RTFM. Got a class. No Content. After searching around I learn that you don't get a Body field without a custom field. And yeah, the manual says that too -- several pages farther down than were it instructs you on how to create the article.

So I create a custom field. And enable it. And try to associate it with the class. Except the class can't find it.

Going back to Custom Fields, it doesn't show in the list either unless I check the box labeled "Include disabled custom fields". Except that this is not disabled.

So I disable it.  Doesn't show.  I re-enable it, it still doesn't show.

I finally determined that you have to set "Type:" to "RTFM Article". This is not mentioned in the documentation at all, but is clearly a required step.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source and other randomness


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