It does not log sending a notification at all.

From: Ken Crocker []
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 1:23 PM
To: Martin Dorschler
Cc: rt Users
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Unable to get AdminCC's to show or get scrips to execute


Is it sending out a notification at all? If so, is it sending to the "TO" 
Queue" or to the "FROM" Queue? I'm thinking it sends to the "TO" Queue. We have 
a Global Scrip that does this and it sends a notice to the AdminCc of the "TO" 
Queue (as long as the actor is not the trans initiator).


On 8/11/2009 11:12 AM, Martin Dorschler wrote:
I got rid of the dupes by taking the Scrip off of the queue and just having it 
I thought maybe  the On Queue Change would work if I added an AdminCC to the 
ticket but still no go.
Is there something I have to set in the config for "On Queue Change" to work as 
a custom condition?

From: Martin Dorschler
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 11:56 AM
To: 'Ken Crocker'; rt Users
Subject: RE: [rt-users] Unable to get AdminCC's to show or get scrips to execute

I set my etc/request-tracker3.6/ to
Set($NotifyActor, 1);
And copied it to /usr/share/request-tracker3.6/lib/RT/

I just restarted apache and it now _IS_ sending an email for owner change (In 
fact it is sending it Twice! And logging it twice in history)
Progress, yes!

Still no email on queue change however
And still not populating the AdminCC

From: Ken Crocker []
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 11:19 AM
To: Martin Dorschler; rt Users
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Unable to get AdminCC's to show or get scrips to execute


You set your to turn on "NotifyActor?


On 8/11/2009 8:18 AM, Martin Dorschler wrote:
Thanks for your response. I just tried enabling that however it does not seem 
to have made a difference. Also in history it does not show that the Scrip is 
occurring, that is it shows the following

#             Tue Aug 11 08:36:34 2009              martin - Ticket created     
            [Reply] [Comment]
Subject:               12345
Download (untitled) [text/plain 5b]
#             Tue Aug 11 08:36:35 2009              RT_System - Outgoing email 
recorded                  [Show]
#             Tue Aug 11 10:18:26 2009              martin - Queue changed from 
City to Tuscom
#             Tue Aug 11 10:18:26 2009              martin - Given to martin

But no emails are sent either for changing queue or for changing owner

From: Ken Crocker []
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2009 10:08 AM
To: Martin Dorschler
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Unable to get AdminCC's to show or get scrips to execute


Are you aware that the person that initiates the transaction (whether it be 
Queue change, create, whatever) does NOT get a notification. If I am the 
AdminCc and I create a ticket or change the Queue or whatever, I will NOT get 
an EMail. Reason, RT sees it as a redundant exercise. The Email is in history 
and you already know what you did. IF, however, you still want to get one, then 
change your configuration to turn on "Notify Actor". Hope this helps.


On 8/11/2009 7:29 AM, Martin Dorschler wrote:
RT 3.6.5
Under the specific queue as admin I have set 2 users as Administrative CC 
however when creating a new ticket in this queue they do not show in  AdminCC 

Also in both global Scrips and per Queue scrips I have tried to set 2 simple 
scrips but they never seem to trigger. I only have one "Stage" available in 
Scrips which is TransactionCreate.
I feel I must be missing some general concept in how these are supposed to 
work, but cannot find my error in Docs or FAQ.
Specifics of Scrips follow. Any help greatly appreciated.

1st is to send an email to AdminCC's on queue change

Condition: User Defined
                Custom Condition: On Queue Change
Action: Notify AdminCcs
Template: Global Template: Status Change
Stage: TransactionCreate

2nd is to notify an owner if a ticket is assigned to him

Condition: On Owner Change
Action: Notify Owner
Template: Global Template: Transaction
Stage: TransactionCreate



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