Hi Alllen,

Try LastUpdatedBy.EmailAddress not like '@...'. I think it works in
the latest RT.

But there is no LastUpdatedBy IS AN UNPRIVILEGED USER thing.

On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 4:02 AM, Allen<allen+rtl...@crystalfontz.com> wrote:
> We would like to make a Saved Search that will show us all tickets
> where LastUpdatedBy was a client as opposed to one of our support
> staff.
> What would the correct TicketSQL be to get something like:
> (Status = 'open' OR Status = 'new' ) AND (  Owner = '__CurrentUser__' ) AND
> (
>  OR
>  LastUpdatedBy.User.Email Not like '@ourdomain.com'
> )
> Is such a query possible in TicketSQL?
> I searched the web and could only find an announcement of release
> 3.6.7 where one of the change notes was:
>    "* add id to the list of users' properties you can search by [ruz]"
> but I don't know how one actually searches on a user's property in the
> QueryBuilder.
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Best regards, Ruslan.

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