On Sep 26, 2009, at 5:15 AM, Fran Fabrizio wrote:
> Ah, that chunk of lib handling code is snagged from some of the RT  
> code - that could be the cause of the issue, I don't have too many  
> added plugins in my RT instance so perhaps that's why I am not  
> seeing what you are.   I think you may be the first person to have  
> tested it who has a lot of added plugins, since this is the first  
> report.  I am sorry it was frustrating for you, but thanks for  
> helping test. :-)

No worries.  I hope you put that in the CLI version, since there's no  
value in loading the plugins.   In fact, instead of calling Init() you  
may want to look at Init() and just do a few of those steps.   It will  
make the CLI version a lot slimmer and meaner ;-)

> I am working on doing this over as an integrated RT extension so you  
> may be interested in waiting for that.  By virtue of being an  
> extension, it doesn't have to worry about any of this.  I'm only a  
> couple of days away from being finished with it.  I do plan to  
> maintain the CLI version as well, however.  I will take a look at  
> your patch and see if I can clean up the script.

Unfortunately my last day at this company is Wednesday so I'm doing  
what I can for them before I leave ;-)

> As I said when I first released it, this is my first attempt at  
> doing anything with the RT API, so be gentle. :-)

No worries, sorry if I was ungentle.  I seem to come off more harsh  
than I intend.   It's not personal, it's very focused on the code/ 

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness


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