Setup: RT-3.8.5, Perl-5.8.5, Apache-2.0.63, RHEL-4 on x86_64 Intel.

When I surf to the RT login page, I get an un-styled "text-only"  
(I do see the Best Practical logo in the upper-left, and I do see the  
check-mark favicon in my browser's address bar.) According to the Apache
error_log, the problem is that the CSS file isn't present:

[Thu Oct 01 13:45:17 2009] [error] [client] File does  
not exist:
/usr/local/rt3/share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/main-squished.css, referer:

The path given in the error message is the correct one, and Apache is  
that the main-squished.css file is not there.

I understand that the main-squished.css file is generated "on the  
fly" --
who's supposed to do that, and when does it happen?

There are no other errors in Apache's logs, and there are no entries  
RT in /var/log/messages. Is there someplace else I can look?

Here's my

Set( $rtname, 'SES');
Set($Timezone , 'US/Pacific');
Set($Organization , "");
Set($Webpath , "/rt");
Set($WebBaseURL , "";);
Set($CorrespondAddress , '');
Set($CommentAddress , '');
Set($OwnerEmail , 'rt-manager');
@LogToSyslogConf = ( facility => 'local3', min_level => 'warning' )  
unless (@LogToSyslogConf);

And here are the relevant snippets from httpd.conf:

LoadModule fastcgi_module     modules/
FastCgiServer /usr/local/rt3/bin/mason_handler.fcgi
AddHandler fastcgi-script fcgi
Alias /NoAuth /usr/local/rt3/share/html/NoAuth
ScriptAlias /rt/ /usr/local/rt3/bin/mason_handler.fcgi/

I had to set the NoAuth alias to the value shown here to get rid of  
an earlier
error from Apache -- "File does not exist: /WWW/NoAuth".

I've tried several fixes, none of which work for me:

o Make the directories under NoAuth/css, like web2, writable by the  
   Apache runs under (sesweb).

o Try 3.4-compat instead of web2.

o Try WebPath of "" instead of "/rt".

o Confirm CSS::Squish is installed.

o Flush mason cache (delete the var/mason_data/obj directory and its  

o Reset browser (Safari) or use a different browser (FireFox).

o Restart Apache for each test.

o Surf to /NoAuth/css/web2/main-squished.css directly with my  
browser; this
   results in the exact same error as I get when opening the RT login  
   except that the "referer" clause is absent.

I'm out of ideas. How can I troubleshoot/fix this?

Kai Lanz            Stanford University          School of Earth  

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