Hi Joop


I have one problem regarding RT database. We have very minor amount of data
in RT u can say 5gb overall but we still are facing problem with particular
updation of records when we have try to find what is cause then we came to
know that we have attachments table in RT which alone is taking 4gb of chunk
of data apart from overall data. And because of this any updation query when
hits attachments table takes a hell lot of time and our customer feels RT is
slow like tortoise and not helping them much in doing there day to day
activities and they are irritated while using RT. Can you can suggest me how
I can manage these attachment table particularly so that even when data
increases significantly we do not suffer from latecy while updation. 


Waiting for a valuable answer from your side


Thanks & Regards




From: Joop [mailto:joopvandew...@mococo.nl] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2009 1:01 PM
To: Varun
Cc: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Database upgrade issue from RT 3.6.3 to RT 3.8.4


Varun wrote: 

Hello Joop


As per your guessing you are right I am facing problem of corruption in sql
query when I upgraded from 3.6.3 to 3.8.6 application is working fine but
when I want to look at page where custom fields are or want to see the page
where tickets basics are there. I am not able to go that page and RT doesn't
seem too returned with that page and goes in unending loop of query firing
and also I get the query which I posted to you which is not firing as per
your suggestion. So can you can help me in how to fix this problem I am not
been able to find any solution for it.


Any help is highly appreciated.

I'm sorry but that is something that changed in RT and I'm not able to help
you there. Basically what I wrote to rt-devel is that probably there is a
mix up in column names and the query should read:

SELECT   main.*
  FROM   Attributes main
 WHERE       (main.OBJECTID = '221')
         AND (main.Name = 'BasedOn')
         AND (main.ObjectType = 'RT::CustomField')

instead of:

SELECT   main.*
  FROM   Attributes main
 WHERE       (main.Content = '221')
         AND (main.Name = 'BasedOn')
         AND (main.ObjectType = 'RT::CustomField')

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