On Tue, 17 Nov 2009 08:30:49 -0800
  Ken Crocker <kfcroc...@lbl.gov> wrote:
> G.Booth,
> You could also use the SQL native to your DataBase and 
>do it manually. However, keep in mind that it is a RISKY 
>business. You must be sure that whatever UserID you 
>change the info to REALLY exists, or your history will 
>break when looking at a ticket.
> Kenn

Hi Kenn

Im trying to avoid that if I can, for just the reasons you list.
I can't figure out what the "replace_relations" part of the shredder is for 
if not this. If you dump the sql as you run the shred and re-inject it into 
the database, it seems (at first glance) to have done exactly what I want 
and all i need to do is now delete the original user. It seems very odd that 
it would let you go to all of the trouble to rename everything only to then 
wipe all evidence of it.


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