On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 1:19 PM, Ken Crocker <kfcroc...@lbl.gov> wrote:

>  Robert,
> For that particular Queue, I would:
> 1) Grant "CreateTicket" to "Everyone" or "Privileged, as you prefer.
> 2) Grant "ShowQueue" to "Everyone" or "Privileged, as you prefer.
> 3) Grant "ShowTicket" to the role "Requestor".
> 4) Grant "ShowTicket" and any other rights you want to the role "AdminCc".
> That should do it.
Thanks Ken, between you and Jesse I got most of the way there, and the final
"ah-ha" just hit me.

I'll share my learning/thoughts here in case it helps people in the future.

Basically, all of my employees are privileged users, so they get the "RT At
A Glance" (r...@ag) page.  I have the "quick create" in the r...@ag page, so
that seemed logical.  But when a customer's ticket was assigned to an admin,
it was no longer visible on the r...@ag page because I don't have "show
tickets" turned on for the general queue.  However, clicking on "quick
search" and then typing "general" into the search box resulted in the
correct list of tickets being presented - the tickets owned by the
customer.  However, expecting my end-users to jump through that many clicks
is expecting too much.  I tried finding away to enable a "my tickets" portal
to r...@ag where "my" = "submitter", but couldn't find it.  It finally
occurred to me the SelfService interface might have the "view" I'm looking
for, and sure enough it does.  I see some mods on the wiki to add "If user
can't own ticket redirect to self-service" functionality, which is probably
how I'll go.  However, a LINK to the self service page on the r...@ag page
would be handy.  Even better - a portal/module for SelfService that I could
add to r...@ag would be slick.

In any case, I have a clear path to a usable end-state.

Thanks again for your help and advice!


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