On Tue, Jan 05, 2010 at 09:10:13PM +0100, Kai Storbeck wrote:

Hi Kai

Thanks for digging more into this

> Thanks for your initial answer in October. Other issues took my
> attention for a while, but I found interest again after someone
> contacted me describing exactly the same problem.
> After a small learning curve with the perl debugger, I came to the
> conclusion that the 2 customfields aren't initialized the same way,
> so I dug around a little more, and found that most CustomFields get
> a call to SetContextObject() after initialize. In
> Ticket->CustomFields this happens, but called from the
> ObjectCustomFieldValue not:

This is correct, without a call to SetContextObject some rights cannot
be found.

This is why I was curious about how your coworker gets the
SeeCustomField right (is he an admincc, requestor, owner, etc)
since it changes the way the right is searched for.

Your fix looks mostly correct, except that the function you're
modifying should live in ObjectCustomFieldValue_Overlay.pm, but that
isn't your fault, it is code from 5+ years ago.


> # diff -ruN ~/rt-3.8.7/lib/RT/ObjectCustomFieldValue.pm 
> /opt/rt3/lib/RT/ObjectCustomFieldValue.pm 
> --- /usr/home/kai/rt-3.8.7/lib/RT/ObjectCustomFieldValue.pm   2009-12-11 
> 18:27:20.000000000 +0100
> +++ /opt/rt3/lib/RT/ObjectCustomFieldValue.pm 2010-01-05 20:49:32.000000000 
> +0100
> @@ -173,6 +173,7 @@
>  sub CustomFieldObj {
>       my $self = shift;
>       my $CustomField =  RT::CustomField->new($self->CurrentUser);
> +     $CustomField->SetContextObject( $self->Object );
>       $CustomField->Load($self->__Value('CustomField'));
>       return($CustomField);
>  }
> This patch seems to work around _my_ problem, but... since you guys are the 
> experts: Is this the correct way of resolving this issue? Are there large 
> performance penalties or other side effects?
> Regards,
> Kai
> On Oct 1, 2009, at 5:28 PM, Kevin Falcone wrote:
> > On Thu, Oct 01, 2009 at 11:36:57AM +0200, Kai wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> 
> >> I'm using RT 3.8.4, patched to 3.8.5 to see if that fixed it (since
> >> that was CF related) on a debian system.
> >> 
> >> One of my coworkers wasn't able to click on a customfield that had a
> >> "Link values to" setting, while I am. The main difference: He has
> >> the right to SeeCustomField, and I have the SuperUser right.
> >> 
> >> He gets an empty
> >>    <a href="" target="_new">512178</a>
> >> Me:
> >>        <a href="https://someurl/fubar?id=512178";
> >> target="_new">512178</a>
> >> 
> >> Attached is a perlscript that immitate
> >> html/Elements/ShowCustomFields. You need a ticket with a customfield
> >> containing 1 value with a Link value To-setting, and a user thats
> >> permitted the necessary rights (SeeQueue, ShowTicket,
> >> SeeCustomField).
> >> 
> >> Somewhere after the calls from a $customfield's value back to its
> >> CustomFieldObj() it loses its permission for the 'SeeCustomField'
> >> right. I'm stupified after looking at this code too long; I can't
> >> see where or why it fails for this user.
> > 
> > How is the marcelv user getting the SeeCustomField right?
> > Is it from being in a group, direct user assignment, being a Requestor
> > or AdminCc of the ticket?
> > 
> > Just making a test user in a copy of 3.8.5 that has SeeQueue,
> > ShowTicket and SeeCustomField granted to privileged users lets a test
> > user see the link as expected and runs your test script with:
> > 
> > Found ticket: 1
> > customfield->LinkValueTo():
> > http://foo.com/id=__id__&value=__CustomField__
> > value->LinkValueTo(): http://foo.com/id=1&value=asdf
> > value->Content(): asdf
> > value->CustomFieldObj->CurrentUserHasRight(SeeCustomField): 1
> > value->CustomFieldObj->id(): 1
> > CustomField->CurrentUserHasRight(SeeCustomField): 1
> > CustomField->id(): 1
> > 
> > If you have local lib mods, I suggest checking to make sure that
> > they're up-to-date with 3.8.5, there are a lot of new calls to
> > ContextObject and SetContextObject that could break CF permissions if
> > they're lost.
> > 
> > -kevin
> > 
> >> Could someone assist me in solving this? I sincerely doubt it is a
> >> missing right?
> >> This user has: SeeQueue, SeeCustomField, ModifyCustomField,
> >> AssignCustomField, ShowTicket, ShowTicketComments, CreateTicket,
> >> ReplyToTicket, CommentOnTicket, OwnTicket, ModifyTicket,
> >> DeleteTicket, TakeTicket, StealTicket.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> My output:
> >> 
> >>> Found ticket: 2047497
> >>> customfield->LinkValueTo(): http://someurl.com/search?id=__CustomField__
> >>> value->LinkValueTo():
> >>> value->Content(): 512178
> >>> value->CustomFieldObj->CurrentUserHasRight(SeeCustomField):
> >>> value->CustomFieldObj->id(): 40
> >>> CustomField->CurrentUserHasRight(SeeCustomField): 1
> >>> CustomField->id(): 40
> >>> 
> >> 
> >> 
> > 
> >> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> >> 
> >> use strict;
> >> # debian locations:
> >> use lib '/usr/share/request-tracker3.8/lib';
> >> use lib '/etc/request-tracker3.8';
> >> use RT;
> >> use RT::User;
> >> RT::LoadConfig();
> >> RT::Init;
> >> 
> >> $| = 1;
> >> my $username = shift || 'marcelv';
> >> my $ticketno = shift || 2047497;
> >> my $canonicalright = 'SeeCustomField';
> >> 
> >> my $user = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
> >> $user->Load($username);
> >> my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new($user);
> >> $ticket->Load($ticketno);
> >> print "Found ticket: " . $ticket->Id . "\n";
> >> 
> >> my $allcustomfields = $ticket->CustomFields;
> >> # These snippets are taken from html/Elements/ShowCustomFields
> >> while (my $cf = $allcustomfields->Next ) {
> >>    my $values = $ticket->CustomFieldValues( $cf->Id );
> >> 
> >>    # I'm assuming a single value customfield, with a template.
> >>    my $linked = $cf->LinkValueTo;
> >>    my $v = $values->First();
> >> 
> >>    if ( $linked ) {
> >>    print "customfield->LinkValueTo(): $linked\n";
> >>    print "value->LinkValueTo(): " , $v->LinkValueTo , "\n";
> >>    print "value->Content(): " , $v->Content , "\n";
> >> 
> >>    print "value->CustomFieldObj->CurrentUserHasRight($canonicalright): ",
> >>            $v->CustomFieldObj->CurrentUserHasRight($canonicalright), "\n";
> >>    print "value->CustomFieldObj->id(): ", $v->CustomFieldObj->id, "\n";
> >> 
> >>    print "CustomField->CurrentUserHasRight($canonicalright): ",
> >>            $cf->CurrentUserHasRight($canonicalright), "\n";
> >>    print "CustomField->id(): ", $cf->id, "\n";
> >>    }
> >> }
> >> 
> > 
> >> 
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