On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 08:21:43PM -0500, Ed Santora wrote:
> Hello,
> I just upgraded to 3.8.7 with RT::Authen::ExternalAuth v0.08
> I'm trying to restrict RT users to LDAP users in one group. When I set:
> 'group' => 'cn=group,ou=group,dc=my,dc=domain,dc=edu'
> and
> 'group_attr' => 'memberUid'
> I see it query my LDAP server with 
> (memberUid=uid=user,ou=people,dc=my,dc=domain,dc=com) instead of 
> (memberUid=user).
> Is there a way to have it use just the 'username' instead of the user's 
> full dn without changind RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP?
> If I comment out 'group' and 'group_attr' LDAP auth works fine, but any 
> valid LDAP user can log in.

Unfortunately, the RT-Authen-ExternalAuth is coded to use the dn.
This seems to work for other people, although I'm not sure what
group_attr they're using.

You'd have to make the right hand side of the filter into a
configuration option in order to change that


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