think this is a config error at your installation, tried it out just
in my installation and all i get is: No permission to display that
RT Rights Setup is really clean and good!
Possibly the requestor of Ticket 490 is the same like for ticket 493 ??

2010/3/29 Tariq Doukkali <tariq.doukk...@autoform.de>
> Hi all,
> if an unprivileged user click  a link to open a ticket, the link below will 
> be shown on browser as URL-address:
> https://company.com/SelfService/Display.html?id=493
> but if the user try to copy and past this url-adress in an other browser-tab 
> and changes id to 490 as shown below,
> https://company.com/SelfService/Display.html?id=490
> the user is also able to show this ticket too.
> The problem is that we have a different unprivileged user (company 1, company 
> 2). Unprivileged users of company 1 should only be able to schow their own 
> ticket (not tickets of unprivileged user of company 2), but on RT system we 
> can change permissions for the group unprvivileged users, which (in our case) 
> includes all user of all companies.
> How can I solve the problem ???
> Many thanks in advance !!!
> Tamodew
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