On Thu, Apr 01, 2010 at 11:23:47AM -0700, Nick Irvine wrote:
> Setting up rt-mailgate, and was getting "403 Forbidden" errors.
> Checked Apache logs, and request was coming from instead
> of 0.1.  If I do a wget or w3m for the same /REST... address, it
> comes from and works.  Just a minor change to
> apache2-modperl from "Allow from" to "Allow from 127" and
> it's fixed...
> Can anyone tell me why requests from rt-mailgate would come from
>  Maybe it's a Perl thing?

Can you send your /etc/hosts?

> -- 
> Nick Irvine
> IT and Network Administrator
> Artona Group
> Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media.
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