
Offhand, I'd say there might be a confusion about what an ADminCc is. To
determine this, I need to know if these AdminCc's are listed as AdminCc's as
Queue Watchers or on the Ticket as AdminCc's?
There is a BIG difference between the two and you may not have or are not
using the correct scrip for this.


On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 12:00 PM, rmp dmd <rmp.dmd1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Guys,
> It happened again for the same client responding to the same ticket but
> only 1 adminCC received it.  The client sent it to RT email (
> prod...@xxx.worx.net)
> Below are the RT logs.
> I believe Scrip 5 is responsible for sending the email.  Scrip5:
> Condition: On Correspond
> Action: Notify AdminCcs
> Template: Global template: Admin Correspondence
> Stage: TransactionCreat
> I no longer know which to check, please help.
> [Thu May  6 17:36:13 2010] [debug]: Found 6 scrips
> (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Scrips_Overlay.pm:356)
> [Thu May  6 17:38:10 2010] [debug]: Found a ticket ID. It's 16221
> (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Interface/Email.pm:455)
> [Thu May  6 17:38:11 2010] [debug]: About to think about scrips for
> transaction #163798 (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Transaction_Overlay.pm:156)
> [Thu May  6 17:38:11 2010] [debug]: About to prepare scrips for transaction
> #163798 (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Transaction_Overlay.pm:160)
> [Thu May  6 17:38:11 2010] [debug]: Found 9 scrips
> (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Scrips_Overlay.pm:356)
> [Thu May  6 17:38:11 2010] [debug]: About to commit scrips for transaction
> #163798 (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Transaction_Overlay.pm:169)
> [Thu May  6 17:38:11 2010] [info]: <
> rt-3.4.5-22269-1273167490-1816.16221-...@xxx.worx.net> #16221/163798 -
> Scrip 5  (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm:237)
> [Thu May  6 17:38:11 2010] [debug]: About to think about scrips for
> transaction #163799 (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Transaction_Overlay.pm:156)
> [Thu May  6 17:38:11 2010] [info]: <
> rt-3.4.5-22269-1273167490-1816.16221-...@xxx.worx.net> sent To:  Cc:  Bcc:
> admin...@worx.com (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm:297)
> [Thu May  6 17:38:11 2010] [info]: <
> rt-3.4.5-22269-1273167490-1816.16221-...@xxx.worx.net> #16221/163798 -
> Scrip 6  (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm:237)
> Thu May  6 17:38:11 2010] [info]: <
> rt-3.4.5-22269-1273167490-1816.16221-...@xxx.worx.net> No recipients
> found. Not sending.
>  (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm:249)
> [Thu May  6 17:38:11 2010] [info]: <
> rt-3.4.5-22269-1273167490-1816.16221-...@xxx.worx.net> #16221/163798 -
> Scrip 7  (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm:237)
> [Thu May  6 17:38:11 2010] [info]: <
> rt-3.4.5-22269-1273167490-1816.16221-...@xxx.worx.net> No recipients
> found. Not sending.
>  (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm:249)
> On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 11:30 AM, rmp dmd <rmp.dmd1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've been investigating this and cannot find a real answer.
>> We have 3 persons on AdminCC.
>> When client replies via email to the ticket, it will be received by the 3
>> persons' mailbox.
>> Last week, there was a client replied, only 1 adminCC got the response.  I
>> did a test. All replies to RT are being received by 3 AdminCC.
>> I found this on RT log. It only send to 1 adminCC.  RT usually send to 3
>> adminCCs or sometimes to 2 if, the other is the updating the ticket.
>> [Fri Apr 30 08:59:59 2010] [debug]: About to think about scrips for
>> transaction #161688 (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Transaction_Overlay.pm:156)
>> [Fri Apr 30 08:59:59 2010] [info]: <
>> rt-3.4.5-30212-1272617998-981.16221-...@xxx.worx.net> sent To:  Cc:  Bcc:
>> adm...@worx.com (/opt/rt3/lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm:297)
>> Further the client retained the RT system email address in their reply,
>> and didn't change that email to be  1 AdminCc.
>> I attached the ticket display page. It shows that client sent to RT email
>> address and not directly to the email address of 1 adminCC.
>> There are no changes on the scrips. I am also looking at the logs this is
>> the only time RT sends to 1 adminCC.
>> An ideas on why does RT only send to 1 adminCC?
>> RT Version is 3.4.5
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