On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 01:53:12PM +0200, Karl Ove Hufthammer wrote:
> I have a combobox custom field with a number of possible values,
> e.g., ‘foo’ and ‘bar’. However, when a user adds a new value, ’baz’,
> that value is *not* added to the list of possible values (shown the
> next time a user creates a new ticket).

This is how the code is implemented.

> Is this a bug? And if it’s not considered a bug, is it possible to
> add this functionality, so that the list of combobox values is
> automatically updated whenever a user adds a new value? It would
> also be nice if old values were automatically removed when no
> tickets have the values anymore (usually when someone enters and
> misspells one of the ‘legal’ values, and later fixes it).

If someone provided a patch for a new CF type, it'd be interesting to
see, but I do worry that the select would turn into a giant mishmash
of bad values.  The autocomplete CF has similar behavior.
There are also performance implications to selecting potentially many
values out of the large-ish ObjectCustomFieldValues.

It might actually be more interesting to see the admin UI grow the
ability to see all the "currently entered but unused" values for
easily adding them to the default values.


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