On Wed, Jun 09, 2010 at 02:37:59PM +0200, ronald higgins wrote:
> Hi All,
> We're currently running RT 3.8.0 plugging into MySQL 5.0 (local)
> running on Centos 5.4.
> Due to performance issues i am looking at partitioning the Attachments
> & Tickets tables
> to try and squeeze out some performance. However, MySQL 5.1 isnt
> available via Centos 5.4.
> So my solution is too build a seperate VM, build MySQL 5.1 from source
> on this new server,
> and then point the WebRT Application to the new remote MySQL Server.
> Where in RT do i change the MySQL database location from localhost to
> remote host ?

Look at $DatabaseHost in etc/RT_Config.pm and override it in

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