On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 3:46 PM, slamp slamp <slack...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 3:44 PM, slamp slamp <slack...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 3:31 PM, slamp slamp <slack...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I have the following in my ScripConditions.
>>> mysql> select * from ScripActions where id = 20\G;
>>> *************************** 1. row ***************************
>>>           id: 20
>>>         Name: Notify Owners, Requestors, Ccs & Other Recipients
>>>  Description: Sends mail to the Ticket Owner, Requestor and Ccs, and
>>> explicitly listed Ccs and Bccs
>>>   ExecModule: Notify
>>>     Argument: Owner,Requestor,Cc,OtherRecipients
>>>      Creator: 1
>>>      Created: 2009-05-14 09:52:07
>>> LastUpdatedBy: 1
>>>  LastUpdated: 2009-05-14 09:52:07
>>> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
>>> --------------------------------------
>>> GROUP members:
>>> bert
>>> ernie
>>> ---------------------------------------
>>> Scrip:
>>> Condition: On Correspond
>>> Action: Notify Owners, Requestors, Ccs & Other Recipients
>>> Template: Notify-GROUP
>>> Stage: TransactionCreate
>>> ---------------------------------------
>>> Notify-GROUP template:
>>> Bcc: {
>>>  my $GroupName = 'GROUP';
>>>  # instantiate a group object
>>>  my $addGroupObj = RT::Group->new($RT::SystemUser);
>>>  $addGroupObj->LoadUserDefinedGroup($GroupName);
>>>  return undef unless $addGroupObj;
>>>  my $addGroupMembersObj = $addGroupObj->UserMembersObj;
>>>  my $CorresponderEmailAddress = $Transaction->CreatorObj->EmailAddress;
>>>  my $RequestorEmailAddress = $Ticket->RequestorAddresses;
>>>  my $res = '';
>>>  # walk through members of group
>>>  while ( my $userObj = $addGroupMembersObj->Next) {
>>>      my $email = $userObj->EmailAddress;
>>>      next unless $email; # email can be empty
>>>      if (( "$email" ne "$CorresponderEmailAddress" ) && ( "$email" ne
>>> "$RequestorEmailAddress" )) {
>>>       $res .= ', ' if $res;
>>>       $res .= $email;
>>>          }
>>>  }
>>>  $res;
>>> }
>>> RT-Attach-Message: yes
>>> {$Transaction->Content()}
>>> ------------------------------------------
>>> Ticket info:
>>> Owner: grover
>>> Requestors: bert
>>> Cc: oscar
>>> -----------------------------------------
>>> Hit Reply on the web interface and grover is not listed "This message
>>> will be sent to..."
>>> I see only:
>>> To: bert
>>> Cc: oscar
>>> Bcc: ernie
>>> Am I missing anything or is RT not recognizing my ScripConditions?
>> If I flip the Action to Notify Owner and hit reply, I see grover
>> (owner) for the To field and ernie (GROUP member) for the Bcc field
>> which works as expected.
> Forgot to mention I am running version 3.8.7 on CentOS 4.8.

i think i got it. the template was taking over Bcc so i modified it to
include the owner. it works for me so here it is for anyone searching
the list.

Bcc: {
  my $GroupName = 'GROUP';

  # instantiate a group object
  my $addGroupObj = RT::Group->new($RT::SystemUser);
  return undef unless $addGroupObj;
  my $addGroupMembersObj = $addGroupObj->UserMembersObj;

  my $CorresponderEmailAddress = $Transaction->CreatorObj->EmailAddress;
  my $RequestorEmailAddress = $Ticket->RequestorAddresses;
  my $OwnerEmailAddress = $Ticket->OwnerObj->EmailAddress;

  my $res = "$OwnerEmailAddress";
  # walk through members of group
  while ( my $userObj = $addGroupMembersObj->Next) {
      my $email = $userObj->EmailAddress;
      next unless $email; # email can be empty
      if (( "$email" ne "$CorresponderEmailAddress" ) && ( "$email" ne
"$RequestorEmailAddress" )) {
       $res .= ', ' if $res;
       $res .= $email;
RT-Attach-Message: yes


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