Kenneth, thanks for your help.

I know there are the Group Rights for the Group Dashboard. I am
logging in as root, which has access to everything in the Global ->
Group Rights section (which looks to be the same as the Groups-> Group
Rights section). I still don't see where to go to create that Group
Dashboard once I have those rights. I can create a personal or System
dashboard, but not a Group one. Where is the option for this?


>> 2.) Is there any way to include screenshots (or other images) in the
>> ticket body? I see there is a multitude of options for rich text
>> display, including a "paste from Word" but I don't see anything about
>Just upload the image as an attachment.

I know we can upload attachments, this would be fine for me
personally, but the bigwigs just want to copy and paste directly into
the body like they can with e-mail. Pasting into a file (which,
knowing them, would be Word), saving it, then attaching it to the
ticket is "too much work" and honestly I wouldn't want them to do it
that way anyway. Technically speaking, maybe it would be a nice
enhancement to automatically convert rich text images into
attachments, the same way RT handles <img/> tags in HTML e-mail. Is
this possible?

Thanks again,

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 10:56 AM, Kenneth Crocker <> wrote:
> AJ,
> Yes, yes, and yes.
> !) there are a number of ways to do this. You can modify the tickete create
> html file to drop owners from the display OR simply write a global scrip to
> force "Nobody" into the Owner field (a more simple answer).
> 2) Not much experience with it, but I believe so. I think I have a few users
> thathave done that. I'll check it out.
> 3) You can set rights for Group Dashboards by goin to
> Configuration->Group-=>FroupRights, There you will see all the rights
> associated with Group Dashboards.
> If you have anymore questions, I'd be happy to help you out.
> Hope this helps.
> Kenn
> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 6:14 AM, AJ Ferrigno <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> We have just installed RT and are trying to roll it out to our
>> internal folks. At a demo yesterday, some of our senior members had a
>> number of questions about RT's capabilities. I was able to answer some
>> based on research, but here are a couple outstanding ones I couldn't
>> answer. Does anyone here know answers to some of these questions?
>> 1.) We'd like to keep users who create tickets from being able to
>> assign those tickets an owner. (The owner would be assigned either
>> automatically via Scrips or manually via a separate queue manager.) I
>> understand that the "Modify Ticket" priv keeps users from changing an
>> existing ticket's owner, but it still seems to allow a user to create
>> a ticket and immediately assign that new ticket an owner on the same
>> screen. Is there a way we can remove that capability, or maybe even
>> remove that owner drop-down from the new ticket display altogether?
>> 2.) Is there any way to include screenshots (or other images) in the
>> ticket body? I see there is a multitude of options for rich text
>> display, including a "paste from Word" but I don't see anything about
>> images. When pasting an image from Word, it just shows up blank,
>> although the blank image is the correct size. It looks like it's
>> trying real hard to make it work. Is this something that is being
>> worked on, or is it technically not feasible?
>> 3.) I see the group priv "Create Group Dashboard" but I don't see how
>> one actually does create a Group Dashboard (as opposed to a personal
>> or System dashboard). I can't find anything in the interface. Googling
>> this feature yields nothing. Dashboads aren't in the RT Essentials
>> book at all. Is there any reference out there for configuring Group
>> Dashboards specifically?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> AJ
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