We are running a mod_perl2 (2.0.4) REST application (using apache 2.2.9)
that handles various ticket operations for us using RT (rt-3.6.7 backed
by MySQL 5.0.51a). These operations include creating tickets, setting
owners, setting states, changing queues etc. The front-end to all of
this is a simple web-form that allows for the above actions to take
place as well as injecting some custom fields when creating the tickets.
We are having an issue with the SetOwner() portion of the ticket object,
where sometimes if someone changes the ticket owner to someone else or
'Nobody' and immediately queries the ticket again, the old owner is
returned. We are sure the SetOwner() action is not failing since
querying the database immediately after the action shows the new OwnerId
and no error code is returned from SetOwner() as well.
We are trying to track down where this issue is coming from. So far one
thing we have figured out is that the more random the apache thread that
is serving the 'GET' request is, the better our chances of getting fresh
data (i.e. the newly set Owner). This is a little problematic since we
have noticed that some user agents (say Firefox or Chrome) keep their
connections open to the server (assuming this is due to KeepAlive) and
get served by the same apache process for quite some time. This causes
them to keep getting stale data for some time after the SetOwner()
process has taken place.
We thought at first that our SearchBuilder package (SearchBuilder 1.54)
may be the culprit here, however, setting the 'cache_for_sec' key under
sub _CacheConfig {} from the default '5' seconds to '0' or '1' did not
prove useful. We also tried the following settings under
RT_SiteConfig.pm which did not resolve our issue either:
Set($UseTransactionBatch, 1); - both 0 and 1 - thinking that batching
transactions was causing SetOwner() to take not take effect immediately
Set($WebFlushDbCacheEveryRequest, 0); - couldn't find much documentation
on this but thought it might be relevant to our endeavors.
I am eager to find out if someone has run into this issue before or has
suggestions for things we can try to eliminate this issue.
Thank you,
H. Dawood
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